
Babel is a compiler (source code => output code). Like many other compilers it runs in 3 stages: parsing, transforming, and printing.


Transform Plugins

apply transformations to your code.

Syntax Plugins

only allow Babel to parse specific types of syntax (not transform).

Plugin Ordering

This means if two transforms both visit the “Program” node, the transforms will run in either plugin or preset order.

  • Plugins run before Presets.
  • Plugin ordering is first to last.
  • Preset ordering is reversed (last to first).


Presets can act as an array of Babel plugins or even a sharable options config.

The TC39 categorizes proposals into the following stages:

  • Stage 0 - Strawman: just an idea, possible Babel plugin.
  • Stage 1 - Proposal: this is worth working on.
  • Stage 2 - Draft: initial spec.
  • Stage 3 - Candidate: complete spec and initial browser implementations.
  • Stage 4 - Finished: will be added to the next yearly release.

For more information, be sure to check out the current TC39 proposals and its process document.

The TC39 stage process is also explained in detail across a few posts by Yehuda Katz (@wycatz) over at Stage 0 and 1, Stage 2, Stage 3


This preset is recommended if you use TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript. It includes the following plugins:


You will need to specify --extensions ".ts" for @babel/cli & @babel/node cli’s to handle .ts files.


This preset always includes the following plugins:




And with the development option:Classic runtime adds:

