
When is a site fast? It’s fast when:
  • it loads quickly,
  • and, being loaded, it works quickly (meaning animations don’t skip frames, scrolling is smooth, and so on)
And the site loads quickly when:
  • the server responds to requests in a short time,
  • and the app itself loads and renders quickly.

What really happens when we hit an URL on the tab

First Browser finds the DNS-Lookup for the URL.It transforms the URL to the IP address and Before send a request Three-way Handshaking has Happened. If we make redirections it will cost more Browser needs to find out new IP address it will take extra time.

three way handshaking

It means both server and client can agree on what order data is transferred
Once Acknowledgement is received Browser Sends a Request to the server and server gives the response back.This is often we called as Client-Server Computing.
First, we get HTML document from the server then Browser starts parsing the HTML file and creates the Dom(Document object model).Once Parser reaches the Link tag Which is our CSS then browser Sends another request
to get the CSS. The browser only allows 6 requests per host.
When we made the 7th request Browser Places it in the queue.In Http/2 Multiplexing is allowed we can send more than 6.

optimize JavaScript



async - download asynchronously, execute it when downloaded
defer - download asynchronously and execute it only after the document is parsed

code splitting


optimize CSS


Extract critical CSS and fetch it first

critical.css & non-critical.css
Remove styles and hide page elements till the page starts to look really funny (or incorrect). The remaining CSS is critical.

<link rel="preload" as="style" href="non-critical.css" onload="this.rel = stylesheet"/>

critical styles

  1. styled-components + server side rendering
  2. critical by Addy Osmani
  3. penthouse by Jonas Ohlsson Aden

optimize HTTP

minification html

compress using gzip ,compress only text resources(css,js,html and etc)

use a CDN

preload resources

Preload: When we use preload in link tag it makes early fetch request to get the resource. Mostly used to fetch high priority resource that is used in current route.
Preconnect: It resolves the DNS and TCP handshaking.
DNS-Preconnect: It only resolves the DNS.
Prefetch:It helps to fetch the resource and places it in the cache whenever the resources needs take it from the cache instead of making another request.

<link rel="preload" as="style" href="non-critical.css" onload="this.rel = stylesheet"/>
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//example.com" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="//example.com" />
<link rel="prefetch" as="style" href="style.css" />
<link rel="prerender" href="//example.com" />

optimize Images

choose a proper format

svg:vector images such as icons or logos
png:display without any quality losses
webp:only chrome
gif:don’t use at all

    <source srcset="img.webp" type="image/webp">
    <img src="img.jpg" type="image/jpeg">


optimize Fonts

add font fallback

font-family:'xx xxx', sans-serif;

use font-display

@font-face {
    font-display:fallback | optional;


  1. Web Performance 101